Mark Bellini
As a life coach and small business marketing consultant / coach, I enjoy working both with people struggling with self-esteem and confidence challenges, as well as with coaches, therapists, consultants, and freelancers who are having a hard time building their practices.
Why my Coaching Method Works
My coaching methods will be effective for most clients for several reasons:
Your coaching sessions are supplemented by recorded self-hypnosis audios that help you to modify subconscious thinking patterns, making it easier for you to adopt more effective habits.
Individualized approach: Clients have different ways of perceiving and processing information, so I customize my coaching techniques as much as possible to make your coaching sessions more effective.
Unconventional techniques: My coaching techniques are inspired by Milton Erickson, an influential therapist who was known for his unconventional and creative therapeutic techniques. He would design interventions specifically tailored to the client’s unique challenges and goals.
These techniques often involved tasks or experiences that seemed unrelated to the problem at hand but had a profound impact on the client’s perspective and behavior.
These unexpected approaches include assigning homework like going downtown and spending the day observing other people’s behavior. You might also be asked to watch movies that have characters dealing with the same issues as you.
Respect for client autonomy: By fostering a collaborative and respectful relationship, I try to create a safe space for clients to explore and deal with their challenges by using their existing skills and creativity.
By applying these techniques to career and life coaching, I will provide the space, if you desire, for you to look into any mental or emotional blocks that are keeping you from having the career and the lifestyle that you dream of.
My coaching methods are primarily:
Ericksonian coaching is based on the work of Hypnotherapist Milton Erickson. This method of coaching encourages coaches to use creative and innovative approaches to help clients solve their problems and reach their goals.
Ericksonian life coaching techniques might include asking clients to watch educational videos, read articles, or to take short trips. The objective is always to find practical ways to help clients overcome their obstacles and reach their goals.
I also like to use conversational hypnosis techniques with Ericksonian coaches. This involves asking specific questions about clients’ thoughts and feelings in order to help them break out of repetitive mental habits that keep them stuck.
Solution Focused Coaching
This type of coaching is for clients who know what they want to achieve, but need someone to guide and support them.
Solution focused coaching doesn’t focus too much on clients’ mindset or past history. The client does most of the thinking and problem solving.
Transformational Coaching
This type of coaching is the most emotionally draining to clients, since it requires them to really understand which unconscious thinking patterns and beliefs are driving them to behave the way they do.
Transformational coaching is for those who simply can’t break out of their negative thinking and behavioral patterns.
My Coaching Style
I use both a consultative / democratic style, as well as a more authoritative style. This depends on the client’s needs.
Clients who are more confident and clear with their goals will get positive results from consultative coaching. Clients who have confidence, self-esteem, and clarity issues are better off with an authoritative style, since they usually won’t be able to achieve larger goals without structured coaching sessions and homework assignments.
My Background
I have a business degree from Rutgers University, and have take the following continuing education courses:
– Universal Coach Institute: Life and Solution Focused Coaching
– Empower Work Peer Counselor training
– Penn Foster: Child Psychology Certificate
– Hudson County College: Integrative Mental Health Certificate
– American School of Hypnosis: Hypnosis Certificate
– IAP College: Life Coaching Certificate
– Introduction to Clinical Nutrition coursework
– Conversational Hypnosis Certificate
– Couples Therapy: Teaching Communication Strategies
-How to Improve Self-Esteem in Young Women
-Core Competencies of Ericksonian Hypnosis
-CBT Techniques for Building Client Self-Esteem and Resilience
-Pathological Gambling: Interventions for the Family
-Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
-Dating Behaviour & Relationship Psychology
Marketing Coaching Courses:
Hubspot Inbound Marketing
AWAI The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting
Google Garage Fundamentals of Digital Marketing.
I ran my own ESL language training school for a few years before moving to the logistics industry as a trucking contractor.I’ve spent the last two years building my life coaching and marketing consulting business.
Get Your Free Self-Hypnosis Audio and Bonuses!
Just provide your first name and email and get access to these downloads:
- Confidence booster self-hypnosis session
- MASLOW’S SELF-ACTUALIZATION – Your guide to personal development
- Overcoming Procrastination Hypnosis Script
- Self-Esteem Cheatsheet
- Self-Esteem Dos and Don’ts