Procrastination Coaching Package
Do you feel incapable of making things happen in your life?
Do you spend most of your time preparing for the right time, the right circumstances?
Procrastination is such a powerful force that it causes people to sabotage their lives simply for the sake of avoiding risk and unpleasant feelings.
Procrastination leads many people to suffer from anger, depression, and stress as they go through life always settling for much less than they should.
It’s true that overcoming procrastination is challenging, but the short-term suffering is much less than enduring a lifetime of frustration and regrets.
Procrastination can have multiple underlying issues, including:
Lack of motivation: If a task seems unimportant or unpleasant, it can be challenging to get motivated to start and complete it.
Fear of failure: Sometimes, people procrastinate because they are worried that they will fail at the task. As a result, they may put it off to avoid facing that fear.
Perfectionism: Perfectionism can lead to procrastination because the fear of not doing something perfectly can prevent a person from starting or completing a task.
Overwhelm: If a task seems too large or complex, it can be overwhelming and cause a person to put it off, hoping to avoid the stress and pressure that comes with tackling it.
Poor time management skills: People may struggle with procrastination if they have difficulty managing their time effectively, leading to a lack of clarity about priorities or deadlines.
Lack of focus: Distractions, interruptions, and a lack of focus can make it difficult to get started or stay on task, leading to procrastination.
Low self-esteem: Low self-esteem can cause a person to doubt their abilities and their worth, leading to a lack of confidence and motivation.
At the same time, your life isn’t doomed because of you tendency to avoid taking action on your goals and dreams.
You Can Defeat Chronic Procrastination!
My anti-procrastination coaching program is based on proven methods used by therapists, hypnotherapists, and life coaches:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Self -Hypnosis audios
- Subliminal messages
- Socratic questioning life coaching
Working through 4 to 6 coaching sessions, we will cover:
Accept Your Procrastination Problem
• Make Your Goals Less Overwhelming
• Accept Temporary Discomfort
• Don’t go Back to Your Old Ways
Combining the written exercises, audio sessions, subliminal messages, and other suggestions in our sessions will help you to approach procrastination from many different angles.
This will help to reinforce the techniques you learn, and keep you emotionally committed to your desired outcome.
If you find yourself putting off something in the future, even after having studied this book a few times, take a step back and ask yourself what’s really going on.
It might be that the benefits of procrastination are still greater than the disadvantages.
In that case, you need to find a way to make yourself uncomfortable. As they say, you need a strong “why” in order to make changes in life.
Once you discover why you truly want to change, you will be willing to do what it takes to get started!
Procrastination Remote Coaching Package
The procrastination coaching package consists of:
- Four to Six sessions of 1 hour
- Homework exercises every week
- One session per week
- Two free email messages per week
- Schedule extra sessions after the package is completed (if desired)
- No commitment. You pay separately for each session. Cancel whenever you want
Start Taking Control of Your Life!
Gain the skills and mindset you need to build a new self-image. One where your confidence, assertiveness, and motivation lead to decisiveness and action.
Schedule an Introductory Coaching Session: $0
During your introductory session, I will discover which specific challenges you would like to focus on during your sessions.
I will suggest the best way to structure each coaching session in order to get the best results. You will also decide which coaching format you prefer: text messaging, Messenger chat, email, or video.
If you decide to continue, you just have to schedule the first session. This process will continue each coming week until you have completed all the needed sessions.
Remember, you can complete all the sessions, or just one or two. Taking all six sessions will allow you to complete all of the exercises in the correct sequence. This will ensure you get more long-term results from the coaching sessions.
Get Started Today with an Introductory Session!
Get Your Free Self-Hypnosis Audio and Bonuses!
Just provide your first name and email and get access to these downloads:
- Confidence booster self-hypnosis session
- MASLOW’S SELF-ACTUALIZATION – Your guide to personal development
- Overcoming Procrastination Hypnosis Script
- Self-Esteem Cheatsheet
- Self-Esteem Dos and Don’ts